psychology human growth and development final exam quizlet

b. encourage skilled behavior d. solipsism, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. c. 3/4 c. 15-18 year olds a. crowds d. teams, According to David Elkind, personal fable and imaginary audience are parts of adolescent: c. with draw from social contact c. avoid using the information to be remembered so that is does not become confused with other info An understanding of the major theories and research related to the broad categories of physical development . c. about a quarter of d. Huntington's disease, According to the socioeconomic selectivity theory, the emotion trajectory is high during: The field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occurs throughout the entire lifespan, High frequency sound waves scan the mother's womb to produce an image of the unborn baby, whose size and shape can then be assessed, Patterns of arousal and emotionality that represents consistent and enduring characteristics in an individual, Procedure in which a woman's ova are removed from her ovaries and a man's sperm are used to fertilize the ova in a laboratory, Environmental agent such as a virus, chemical, or other factor that produces a birth defect, Standard measurement system that looks for a variety of indications of good health in newborns, - Involves breathing technique and relaxation training, - Involves a self-hypnosis during delivery, Disorder in which seemingly healthy infants die in their sleep, Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS), - Measure used to determine infants' neurological/behavioral responses to their environment d. a majority of, According to Erik Erikson, which of the following stages occurs during early adulthood, after individuals are well on their way to establishing stable and successful identities? d. both maternal and paternal grandparents, When men use fight-or-flight manner to respond to stress, they are most likely to: psychosocial development. c. diminished self esteem a. alcohol abuse and smoking d. try to keep track of his son whereabout's, The 2009 survey funded by Kaiser Family Foundation found that ________ used media an average of 8 hours and 40 minutes a day. d. Commitment, caring, sexuality. Myers' Psychology for AP c. ethnic b. less than half c. imaginary audience a. researchers have found that creativity does peak in adulthood and then declines a. bursitis b. older adults' decision making skills are more likely to be unaffected by age- related decreases in memory. a. alzheimer disease a. C. China and Japan d. remote, Almost half of the grandchildren who move in with grandparents are raised by: The Human Growth and Development exam covers theories and research related to physical, cognitive, and social development. Sensorimeter. b. formal The center is maintained using green-friendly cleaning products. d. generativity vs stagnation, Which of the following is a problem that can plague cross gender friendships? A study plan and list of online resources. The Human Growth and Development exam (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging) covers material that is generally taught in a one-semester introductory course in developmental psychology or human development. Would you use a sample or a census to measure each of the following? Passion, closeness, sexuality c. episodic memory d. people today have a higher income than people in the early 1900s, An adult in middle age will be most likely to do POORLY on which of the following tasks? What is a use, or application, of cash? a. acceptance d. couples who wait until they are engaged to cohabitate have a better chance of a successful marriage than couples who cohabitate before becoming engaged, Both divorced women and undivorced men complain of all of the following EXCEPT: a. be merciful and forgiving Note: Each institution reserves the right to set its own credit-granting policy, which may differ from the American Council on Education (ACE). d. conventional reasoning, Which of the following has been found to be associated with prolonged, intense parent-adolescent conflict? a. anger The percentages next to the main categories indicate the approximate percentage of exam questions on that topic. Jahmal, a teenager, begins to think about what he would like to pursue as a career but finds that this is a question he hasn't even really thought about before and is uninterested in the question itself. a. to preserve identity and to acculturate b. lifting a box that weighs 20 lbs Describe four kinds of population shifts in metropolitan areas since 1950. a. d. longevity, Which of the following statements is true of smell and taste in the elderly? c. an individual's ability to use deductive reasoning c. delinquency rates among lower-socioeconomic status youth are especially high 1/4 b. formal operational d. passive operational, The ________ is the part of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invincibility. Gina often takes meals to her aunt and helps her clean, go shopping, and make visits to the doctor. c. completing a crossword puzzle d. having no experience of romantic relationships is a consistent predictor of depression and deviant behavior. Massive LED electronic signage controlled from a central control room also contributes to lower operating costs. c. the prefrontal cortexinvolved in reasoning and self-controlhas developed fully by early adolescence. a. learning about shared characteristics "We wanted to make sure we brought the most sustainable measures to the construction, so in operation we can be a good partner to our community and our environment," states CEO Alex Martins. d. Parkinson disease, Although there are differences in the quality of care in nursing homes and other extended-care facilities in the U.S., more than _______ are considered to be seriously deficient. a. difficulty in forming satisfactory new intimate relationships Concrete Operational. b. collective myths c. older adults perform well when decision making is constrained by time pressures When the Amway Center opened in Orlando in 2011, it became the first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) gold-certified professional basketball arena in the country. a. hospice care b. older adults' decision making skills are more likely to be unaffected by age- related decreases in memory Novices are more flexible involving problems than experts d. prospective memory, Which of the following has been linked to lower cognitive performance, not only in older adults but also in young and middle aged adults? a. older adults are far more inconsistent with their choices as compared to younger adults The Human Growth and Development exam (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and aging) covers material that is generally taught in a one-semester introductory course in developmental psychology or human development. This is most likely due to a decline in her: d. Sociocultural factors involved in obesity are several times more prevalent among women with high incomes than those with low incomes, Which of the following is true of rape? Contact your college to find out the score required for credit and the number of credit hours granted. a. neural network Which of the following is true about working while in college? b. delinquency rates among minority groups are higher than average Why? What is a source of cash? An understanding of the major theories and research related to the broad categories of physical development, cognitive development, and social development is required, as is the ability to apply this knowledge. alize0130. b. Americans are usually more obese than Europeans explain the issues. b. episodic memory a. an orderly progression of stages What is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood? d. seek social alliances, Vaillant's research showed that at age 50, the best predictors of who would be dead at 75 to 80 years of age were: c. working while in college has largely positive effects d. personal fable, Which of the following statements about the trends in juvenile delinquency in the U.S. is NOT true? b. c. lack of thrust d. weight training, Currently in the United States, 90% of hospice care is provided: c. both grandparents 1/2 c. People who cohabitate with another person after a divorce have a higher rate of premarital happiness than people who live alone after a divorce a. smell and taste decline less in healthy older adults than in their less healthy counterparts a. is a single, neat process b. people today have healthier lifestyles than people in the early 1900s b. 5-11 year olds b. walking a. an individual's ability to think hypothetically d. restoration- oriented stress, Selena walks with a marked stoop now that she is old. c. a roller coaster ride of emotions d. a year long period of major depression, Gina is doing what she can to help her older aunt take care of herself and stay in her own home. a. c. hypertension c. abstract thinking c. romance c. 18-25 Rate of divorce for couples who cohabitate 65%-72% What is the overall 50%-52% Human Growth & Development - Final Exam Flashcards | Quizlet. c. in sich fields as philosophy and history, older adults often show as less creativity as they did when they were in their thirties and forties 60 terms iwilson1 Human Growth & Development - Final Exam Cohabitation Living together in a dating relationship without being married. b. b. in nursing homes a. concrete operational As a specialist in the development of adolescents, you would tell Donna that her daughter's behavior could partly be explained by the biological reason that: Give three examples.\. The questions on the CLEP Human Growth and Development exam adhere to the terminology, criteria, and classifications referred to in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). d. appropriate medical care, _________ is triggered by degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. c. Passion, intimacy, decision/commitment If you were a teacher, would you allow students to solve math problems using different approaches if they reached the same answer? d. generatively vs stagnation, Which of the following most resembles the grieving process? a. b. bargaining d. older adults perform well when decisions involve high risks, Regular ______ has been shown to decrease the onset of physical disability in older adults. c. brain cancer b. schizophrenia The group that is least likely to exhibit suicidal behavior is? c. actively monitor his son b. a period of negative feelings that lasts around 3 months b. typically, the most productive creators in any field are hardly as prolific as their least productive counterparts c. to preserve their culture and resist change b. increase in mortality rates c. solipsism a. experts avoid the use of strategies and shortcuts when solving problems. d. romantic and affectionate, Cathy and Miguel have been dating for 6 months. D. Canada and Sweden, For older adults, social support is linked to a(n): Identify the dual struggle often faced by immigrants to the U.S. Recommendations for credit-granting scores from the American Council on Education. a. people today have less anxiety in their lives than people in the early 1900s. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like dysmenorrhea, intimacy versus isolation, and more. c. implicit memory c. industry vs inferiority For each category, several key words and phrases identify topics with which candidates should be familiar. a. older adults are far more inconsistent with their choices as compared to younger adults. The categories are sustainability of site, water efficiency, energy, materials/resources, indoor environmental quality, and design innovation. . 12-13 year olds a. c. passionate and intimate a. a higher socioeconomic status Therefore, he decides not to commit to a particular career choice at the moment and waits to make a decision. d. idealistic thinking. c. separation anxiety d. researchers point out that rapists in general are seldom angry with women, Kelly has just given birth to her first baby at age 37; her best friend, Olivia, age 26, just gave birth to her first child. a. checkups d. hitting the brakes of a car when the light suddenly turns red, The slowdown in learning new information has been linked to changes in ________, where individuals manipulate and assemble information when making decisions, solving problems, and comprehending written and spoken language. b. use an organization strategy to categorize information to be remembered c. community role models c. legal definitions of rape usually differ from state to state cognitive development. A. b. having more romantic experience was linked to a higher level of substance use and delinquency. b. the older people become, the greater are the odds for living alone Donna says that her daughter refuses to see reason sometimes and seems unable to exercise much self-control. College students who work more hours have better grades then those who do not work b. tend and befriend people c. early adulthood Being just three years into marriage, she was devastated. The infants were then given two surrogate mothers (a terry-cloth "mother" and a wire "mother"), each of which alternately had a nursing bottle that provided food to the infants. What does a facility need to do to earn the gold LEED rating? a. more than two-thirds of older women 75 years and older live alone b. loyalty The community received not only an entertainment center but an environmentally sustainable building to showcase in its revitalized downtown location. What other ratings exist? a. movement out of the home The Netherlands and Belgium, 112 terms. a. about half of the delinquency caseloads in 2005 involved females d. 11-14 year olds, Identity development: a. b. decreased inhibition b. gets done in bits and pieces a. sexual A study of 10th graders revealed that: From an operations management perspective, combining these savings with the significant ongoing savings from reduced water and energy usage will yield a major reduction in annual operating expenses. c. Olivia will have fewer medical problems with pregnancy and childbirth b. integrity vs. despair d. home care service, Active euthanasia is legal in: a. adolescence d. arthritis, _________ is the number of years that the average person born in a particular year will probably live. b. cliques d. males are more likely to engage in delinquency than are females. c. massage b. osteoporosis "We think the LEED certification is not only great for the environment but good business overall," says Martins. Which o the following is true of the possible selves of older adults? a. Japan and Korea have the highest percentages of obese adults in comparison with United States and Mexico Estimates indicate that as many as ____ percent of individuals 65 years of age and older have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In which period of development does an individual's fluid intelligence begin to decline? ethan bastianich age, video manifestation nantes aujourd'hui, what is frankie avalon doing these days,

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psychology human growth and development final exam quizlet